
Static site generation done right tasty.


Yet another static generator, here to help you with more concrete use cases than just your personal blog.

Markdown + Frontmatter

The wonder duo. Why change it?

Highly Configurable.

No need to store rules in documents or templates!


Write your own filters and helpers.

Group by any property.

You want sections for categories, groups by tag, archives by date. You want it bad.


You have a lot of data, you want to split it. Let Waffle do the job for you!

Localise your content.

Different users, different languages, different URLs, one meaning.

Getting Started

I strongly recommend you to use Waffel with Brunch, starting with the brunch-with-waffel skeleton:

# in case you do not have Brunch installed yet
$ npm install brunch -g

$ brunch new path/to/project --skeleton https://github.com/moonwave99/brunch-with-waffel
$ cd path/to/project
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ npm start

Visit http://localhost:3333 and you ready to go!

Please have a look at the examples here above or at the doc, in order to get a better grasp on how can Waffel be useful to you.


Waffel was born as a simple script to generate my website and another project of mine, and eventually my company's homepage. I thought it was worth releasing, basically because I plan to reuse it a lot in the close future, best as a companion to a content management tool I hope to release very soon.

I think that having a full web stack for a blog/portfolio/small business showcase site is really an overkill today: you need a lot of services running in order to serve content, you will be the very only one to change in a deterministic way. Now that all our pathetic comments.php efforts have been teared apart by Disqus/social commenting facilities, why should we store our thoughts in a database, instead of on good ol' text files, editable in the way we find more comfortable?

Why static at all

Since the early Nineties, when Internet (slowly) began becoming a common cultural phenomenon, experience was limited to navigate through hypertexts and see pictures (after several minutes, often) - no CSS, no buttons, almost no forms, no AJAX, no fancy interaction at all.

An hypertext was, is and will always be just a graph of connected pages, linked to other hypertexts on the web, all reachable via a browser.

After two decades of development and progress, we can build a business on top of geo-localisation and images taken via devices more powerful that the NASA mainframe that routed the man on the Moon.

But the Internet should stay a (huge) compendium of hypertexts, and the focus should stay on the content. Not on the comments, not on the "social" interaction, not in the twenty sidebars that clutter now your page.

Let's face it: if your website is content oriented, you don't care about how fancy the transition effect between pages may be - rather you want fast page loads and full control on the HTML response you deliver, no matter the way you access the page.

Write good and accessible content, and numbers will follow.

Development side note: you don't need a plugin for everything, I am really confident that you can set proper <meta>tags for your blogposts, or create thumbnails, or generate a sitemap. Some tasks are really easy to achieve on top of the existing (cough npm cough) library ecosystem, yet require different fine tuning on project basis; consider wrapping it up yourself if you plan to reuse the feature a lot, but sometimes even a brief blogpost or a gist would do. Two lines of effectiveness are worth 50 lines of configurable options, if you know what I mean : ))


Markdown and Git/Github cover 99% of your needs.

On the sixth day God created Frontpage, and that was bad. I don't know how many of you had their first contact with content management via the aforementioned program, still you can have a clue of the outcome by looking at the interface screenshots and the vendor name. You had to write raw HTML, and upload the outcome to your website via FTP. And the only way of using "templates" (i.e. reused chunks of code) was delegated to <framesets>.

Then the online CMS came: a jungle of dropdowns and buttons, that allowed secretaries to paste documents written in Word into a TinyMCE WYSIWIG textarea, that wrecked your valid HTML delivery intentions.

(disclaimer: nothing against mighty TinyMCE, I even wrote a plugin for that back then!)

That was the only way to publish content to the web - some attempts were good, and after many years of refinement we can now use dream platforms like Medium or Ghost.

But in a flow content context (like most of the content you deliver should be), do you really need WYSIWIG? Paragraphs are paragraphs, headers are headers, roses are red, violets are blue. Focus on the hierarchy and meaning of your content, and not on the alignment of your text (hint: should be left, at least in most western countries).

Markdown covers all your formatting needs, it is readable on its own, and it is the de facto standard of the Good Web publishing. And in those corner cases that may not be covered by its syntax, you can place a couple of lines of raw HTML, or consider storing a property in the YAML frontmatter in order to be used in a template.

Coming to Git/Github: pushing to a remote + using post-receive/web hooks cover all publishing needs you would face. It is like hitting the Save button, with a couple seconds of delay, that would be widely saved among all future requests by the clients. Plus it is easier to revert, to keep track of the changes, to review work from other people.

I mean I would put my life under version control if I could:

$ git checkout that-day-that-i-didnt-kiss-her-now-i-know-that-she-liked-me-but-lives-now-in-australia-with-mike-tyson --hard

Why shouldn't I wait doing it for the content of my website!

Ok, so why then not X.io or Y.js ?

Believe me, I tried almost all generators out there: many of them are nice pieces of software, from whom I gathered a lot of useful ideas and inspiration, but they all either lacked some crucial featured that I needed, or were written in a language I am not really skilled in.

Moreover, I think that generating a set of .html files from a bunch of Markdown ones should be a task that any web developer should be able to accomplish in a couple of hours. So I stopped wandering on Github and wrote the 0.0.1 of Waffel.


Does Waffel work with different front matter formats (e.g. JSON, TOML,…) rather than YAML?

Not at the moment, though I would be glad to receive a PR in order to make front matter format configurable!

Is there any CLI tool?

No, because brunch, gulp and grunt all make a wonderful job at that.

Does Waffel handle the compilation/concatenation/minification of my CSS/JS code?

No, because brunch, gulp and grunt all make a wonderful job at that.

Can I change template language?

Not at the moment, because I like Nunjucks's expressiveness a lot, and the possibility to chain filters (that allows me to use more logic in templates, since there is no controller layer actually).

Does Waffel provide support for a complex relational model?

Waffel doesn't know anything about your data schema. But as all the loaded data is exposed in the templates via the data property, you can deal with any sort of composition (e.g. data.users[post.author]). It is the price to pay for not having to write a schema, but I don't find it very expensive : ))

In case you really need a complex query mechanism, chances are that you need a different stack.

Are there plugins? Is there a way to write any?

Writing a plugin for such a specific tool usually ends up in following a narrow DSL, with no real benefit on top of the hassle.
You can include even complicate filters and helpers, that can be used all over the HTML template codes.

Nevertheless, have a look at the examples up here, they may help you to achieve your goal!