
(Quick) Start

Okay, there is no real quick start, because Waffel generates websites from a well structured data folder, through a site.yml config file and a set of HTML views. So all three elements should be there! Assuming that, this is the bare minimum example for generating your website, and serving its content via Waffel built-in webserver:

var Waffel = require('waffel')
var port = 1337;

var wfl = new Waffel({
  domain:   "http://localhost:" + port,
  server:   true,
  serverConfig: {
    port:       port,
    path:       'public',
    indexPath:  'public/404.html'

wfl.init().then(function(data){ wfl.generate() })

Note: Why wfl.init().then( ... )? This way, you have the chance to intercept the data after parsing the files but before generating the actual website, in case that you want to process/merge it with other stuff.


Waffel instances are EventEmitters, and emit the following events specifically:


You can pass an hash of options to Waffel at creation time, like:

var Waffel = require('waffel')
var wfl = new Waffel({
  domain: '',

Let's inspect what's available:

Name Description Accepts Default
silent If true, suppresses all log outputs. boolean false
verbose If true, prints single page generation information. boolean false
versionAssets Enables {versioned:true} option to append current commit hash to asset() helper. boolean false
defaultPagination Pagination size. number 10
defaultSortField Default field for collection sorting. string slug
defaultSortOrder Default order for collection sorting. string desc
structureFile Configuration filename. string site.yml
viewFolder HTML Views folder. string views
dataFolder Data files folder. string data
destinationFolder Output folder. string public
staticFolder Asset folder. Is copied over verbatim to the destinationFolder. string assets
localesFolder Folder where translation files are stored. string locales
domain Your website domain, e.g. string ""
basePath Specify in case your website is being served from anywhere different than /. string ""
assetPath If assets are served from a different location/domain than /. string ""
sitemap If true, generates sitemap. boolean true
sitemapName Sitemap filename. string sitemap.xml
server If true, starts a webserver - useful for dev environment. boolean false
root Project root folder. string process.cwd()
dataExt Data files extension. string .md
templateExt Template files extension. string .html
languages Languages supported by website. array []
defaultLanguage Website default language (as ISO two-letter code). string en
fallbackLanguage Language used if document is not present in current language. string en
localiseDefault If true, prepends language slug portion even to default language documents. boolean false
uglyUrls If true, Generates name.html style documents, as opposed to name/index.html. boolean false
outputExt Output document file extension. string .html
displayExt If false, omits file extension (useful when uploading to S3 for instance). boolean true
dateFormat Date format used in slugs. string YYYY-MM-DD
server If true, runs a local webserver - useful for development. boolean false
watch If true, watches dataFolder for changes and regenerates website - dev mode only! boolean false
watchInterval Debounce interval for watching (in milliseconds). number 5000

In addition, you can override local server configuration, whose defaults are:

serverConfig: {
  port:       1999,
  path:       'public',
  indexPath:  'public/404.html'      


Waffel provides you with some helper methods, to be used in the templates.

url(name, data={}, options={})

Generates a page URL from its name (e.g. blog.categories). Accepts a data object for passing slug generation parameters (e.g. { 'category': item.category }); in single pages context, it can usually be the item itself.

The allowed options are:

Examples (given the jekyll example structure):

{{ url('about') }}

Output: http://localhost:3333/about/index.html.

{{ url('blog.index', {}, { 'page': 2 }) }}

Output: http://localhost:3333/blog/page/2/index.html.

{{ url('blog.categories', { 'category': 'avantgarde' }, { 'page': 3 }) }}

Output: http://localhost:3333/blog/category/avantgarde/page/2/index.html.

{{ url('blog.tags', { 'tag': 'new' }, { 'localised': true, 'language': 'it' }) }}

Output: http://localhost:3333/it/blog/tag/new/index.html.

Note: output assumes default Waffel configuration, i.e. uglyUrls set to false.

asset(_path = '', options = {})

Generates an asset URL from its relative _path, e.g. /images/background_image.jpg. If options.versioned is true, it appends _#{rev} to _path basename, where rev is latest commit hash of current repository (if any).

Note: Waffel does not rename your files, you should do on your own before or after generating the website!


{{ asset('js/app.js') }}

Output: http://localhost:3333/js/app.js.

{{ asset('css/app.css', { 'versioned': true }) }}

Output: http://localhost:3333/css/app_be6cb96bd8d3147b571d8452ab4a933df9249618.css.


Exposes i18next localisation feature.

loc(data={}, language)

If current page item is localised (i.e. holds data stored in different languages), it returns data for required language.

Why not just item[language]? Because loc() holds logic for fallbacking to default or fallback language, and for dealing with entire collections of items.

So if item is:

  "_localised" : true,
  "en": {
    "title" : "The  Title",
    "category": "the-category"
  "it": {
    "title" : "Il Titolo",
    "category": "la-categoria"

loc(item, 'it') will return:

  "title" : "Il Titolo",
  "category": "la-categoria"

And loc(item, 'de') will return:

  "title" : "The  Title",
  "category": "the-category"

Because options.fallbackLanguage defaults to en.


Amoung Nunjucks built-in filters, Waffel exposes a bunch of useful ones.

Array | limit(count=10)

Slices array to count elements, e.g. {{ [1,2,3] | limit(2) }} outputs [1,2].

Date | format(format)

Formats filtered Date against provided format, via moment.js.

String | excerpt(size=200)

Returns a plain text excerpt of max size characters. Memoized for performance.

Object | toJSON()

Exposes JSON.stringify. Static API ftw!

Object | inspect()

Taps filtered object, and inspects it in the console. Use like item | inspect | someOtherFilter, for debugging purposes.

Following lodash functions are exposed as well: toArray, pluck, flatten, uniq, where, findWhere, compact.