How Playa stores data

We all love a slick user interface that incarnates the zeitgeist, but without a well structured persistence layer it is of no use. Here I will give an overview of how I tried to make up for the lack of total outward slickness with sound invisible choices.

# What should be stored?

First thing: what should a music player persist?

If it holds a library of my music, it should definitely store it in an indexed way, e.g. a RDBMS .
What about the playlists? They deserve to be stored somewhere as well, either as files or as database entries.
Last but not least, the user session: to grant a good UX, things like last opened playlist and volume settings should be persisted.

# Early days

In the first iteration of Playa, I stored the playlists as .yaml files, like:

title: Playlist Title
lastPlayedAlbumId: a_25a6ee2e14d160875717bbf417fef140
lastPlayedTrackId: t_14f04ad6e0ff78b7a6e66304e3eb3ef3
lastScrolledAlbumId: null
  - /path/to/track_01.mp3
  - /path/to/track_02.mp3
  - /path/to/track_03.mp3
  - ...

Not bad, but I wasn't storing any track metadata, as I extracted it from the music files everytime I loaded a playlist. For long playlists, the lag was noticeable: this convinced me to cache this information in a database.

I tried to use SQLite, but I had many issues bundling it inside the Electron app. Before starting to write code that I could not commit to ship, I looked for alternatives. LevelDB seemed a good choice, as it is embedded in browsers. PouchDB seemed the stablest wrapper that allowed:

  1. to access the database from a specific path (good for separating dev/prod/test environment);
  2. to perform an indexed search.

On the downsides I must mention that the API is inconsistent at times (rev vs. _rev, id vs. _id, I am looking at you two), and some operations that are trivial in the relational world, are a bit more cumbersome in the NoSQL wildness (e.g. auto-incrementing the primary key or pagination).

# Data schema

PouchDB has no tables, so relationships between entities are totally up to the use we make of data, and there is no way to ensure referential integrity. As the app schema is relatively simple and there are no concurrent ways of changing data, I can live with that.

The schema is relatively simple:

Things to notice:

  1. the primary keys are stored as strings;
  2. the relationship are saved as array of IDs.

In the relational mindset this would grant you an anathema, but here it is fine: the relationships are mostly hierarchical, the volume of I/O operations is low, and we do not need to perform any JOINs - more on that later.

How to be sure that there will be no duplicate primary keys? I used a different strategy for each entity:

  • playlists: I used the current timestamp. It will be always different and ascendent, so documents will already be sorted;
  • albums/artists: I actually keep track of the highest value in the redux store, and I increment it on every record insertion;
  • tracks: I use the track filename itself.

EDIT: I dropped autoincrement in favour of UUIDs, since autoincremental ids were not even useful for sorting (artists are sorted alphabetically, and albums by import date).

# Database client

I wrapped all the PouchDB interactions inside a class that wraps a database instance:

export default class Database {
  private db;
  }: DatabaseParams) {
    const LocalPouchDB = PouchDB.defaults({ prefix: path });
    this.db = new LocalPouchDB(name);

  // uses pouchdb-find plugin, see:
  async find<T>(selector: { [key: string]: string|number }): Promise<Array<T>> {...}

  // uses pouchdb-quick-search plugin, see:
  async search<T>(query: string, fields: string[]): Promise<Array<T>> {...}

  async findAll<T>(): Promise<Array<T>> {...}
  async get<T>(_id: string): Promise<T> {...}
  async getList<T>(ids: Entity['_id'][]): Promise<Array<T>> {...}

  async save<T extends Entity>(entity: T): Promise<T> {...}
  async saveBulk<T>(entities: T[]): Promise<T[]> {...}

  async delete<T extends Entity>(entity: T): Promise<Entity> {...}

  // marks the document as { _deleted: true }
  async deleteBulk<T>(entities: T[]): Promise<T[]> {...}

  // physically removes the document from the database
  async removeBulk<T>(entities: T[]): Promise<Result[]> {...}

I am definitely not happy with how I named things: search vs find, delete and remove...with all chance I am going to refactor similar methods into a single public one, with a parameter that routes to the right internal implementation.

Some usage examples:

// get albums of a playlist
const playlist = {
  albums: ['1', '2', '3']

const albumDB = new Database({ path: '/path/to/database', name: 'albums' });
const albums = await albumDB.getList<Album>(playlist.albums);

// add an album to a playlist
const playlist = {
  albums: ['1', '2', '3']

const album = {
  _id: '4',

const playlistDB = new Database({ path: '/path/to/database', name: 'playlists' });
const updatedPlaylist = await<Playlist>({
  albums: [...playlist.albums, album._id]

Important: the database clients reside in the main process, so all interactions happens via ipc - no direct access via actions/stores.

# Redux stores

It is good practice to keep the stores as normalised as possible, i.e. without nested objects and with an hash that allows O(1) access:

const playlistState = {
  allById: {
    '2020-02-03T12:56:50.342Z': {
      albums: ['1', '2', ...]
    '2020-02-05T02:11:23.125Z': { ... },

const albumState = {
  allById: {
    '1': {
      artist: '1',
      tracks: ['/path/to/track_01', '/path/to/track_02', ...]
    '2': { ... },

const artistState = {
  allById: {
    '1': {
      name: 'Slowdive'
    '2': { ... },

const trackState = {
  allById: {
    '/path/to/track_01': { ... },
    '/path/to/track_02': { ... },

For instance, I can access a playlist by id via state.playlists.allById[id].

Many-to-one relationships are easy to handle as well: albums = => state.albums.allById[id]).

More complex selectors for top-level React components are wrapped in a proper reselect selector of course.

# Session persistence

This was a straightforward task - a JSON file suffices:

  "lastOpenedPlaylistId": "2020-02-03T12:56:50.342Z",
  "lastWindowSize": [1680, 1027],
  "lastWindowPosition": [0, 23],
  "queue": ["9946", "9947", "9948"],
  "volume": 1

I load it when the app starts and I use the values accordingly. Some are needed by Electron (window size and position), others by the React app - I inject the latter as props of the root component.

What about persistence timing? Window values are set and saved on app quit:

app.on('will-quit', () => {
    lastWindowSize: mainWindow.getSize(),
    lastWindowPosition: mainWindow.getPosition()

The values determined by user interaction, like the last opened playlist, the playback queue or the volume level are updated via ipc:

// renderer
ipc.send(IPC_UI_STATE_UPDATE, params);

// main
ipc.on(IPC_UI_STATE_UPDATE, (_event, params: object) => appState.setState(params));

While the Electron persistence strategies have still room for improvement in my opinion, I consider myself more than satisfied for the moment.